Appendix 1
German Translation of CCS-T-7
No. |
Item |
Polarity |
German translation |
1 |
I have the highest respect for authorities and assist them whenever I can. |
+ |
Ich habe den größten Respekt vor Behörden und unterstütze sie, wann immer ich kann. |
2 |
Even if I knew how to get around the rules without breaking them, I would not do it. |
+ |
Selbst wenn ich wüsste, wie ich Regeln umgehen kann, ohne gegen sie zu verstoßen – ich würde es nicht tun. |
3 |
I believe that people should be allowed to take drugs, as long as it doesn’t affect others. |
- |
Ich finde, es sollte erlaubt sein, Drogen zu nehmen, solange dies anderen nicht schadet. |
4 |
I support long-established rules and traditions. |
+ |
Ich befürworte Regeln und Traditionen, die seit langem bestehen. |
5 |
People who resist authority should be severely punished. |
+ |
Personen, die sich den Behörden widersetzen, sollten schwer bestraft werden. |
6 |
In my opinion, all laws should be strictly enforced. |
+ |
Meiner Meinung nach sollten alle Gesetze strikt und konsequent durchgesetzt werden. |
7 |
When working with others I am the one who makes sure that rules are observed. |
+ |
Wenn ich mit anderen zusammenarbeite, bin ich die Person, die darauf achtet, dass die Regeln eingehalten werden. |
Appendix 1
French Translation of CCS-T-7
No. |
Item |
Polarity |
French translation |
1 |
I have the highest respect for authorities and assist them whenever I can. |
+ |
J'ai le plus grand respect pour les autorités et je les aide dčs que possible. |
2 |
Even if I knew how to get around the rules without breaking them, I would not do it. |
+ |
Męme si je savais comment contourner une rčgle sans l'enfreindre, je ne le ferais pas. |
3 |
I believe that people should be allowed to take drugs, as long as it doesn’t affect others. |
- |
Je pense qu'on devrait pouvoir consommer des drogues, tant que cela ne nuit pas ŕ autrui. |
4 |
I support long-established rules and traditions. |
+ |
Je soutiens les rčgles et les traditions qui sont établies depuis longtemps. |
5 |
People who resist authority should be severely punished. |
+ |
Les personnes qui résistent ŕ l'autorité devraient ętre sévčrement punies. |
6 |
In my opinion, all laws should be strictly enforced. |
+ |
Ŕ mon avis, toutes les lois devraient ętre rigoureusement appliquées. |
7 |
When working with others I am the one who makes sure that rules are observed. |
+ |
Lorsque je travaille avec d'autres personnes, je suis celui ou celle qui veille au respect des rčgles. |
Appendix 1
Spanish Translation of CCS-T-7
No. |
Item |
Polarity |
Spanish translation |
1 |
I have the highest respect for authorities and assist them whenever I can. |
+ |
Siento el máximo respeto por las autoridades y colaboro con ellas siempre que puedo. |
2 |
Even if I knew how to get around the rules without breaking them, I would not do it. |
+ |
Incluso si supiese cómo evitar las normas sin llegar a incumplirlas, no lo haría. |
3 |
I believe that people should be allowed to take drugs, as long as it doesn’t affect others. |
- |
Pienso que la gente debería poder consumir drogas, siempre y cuando no perjudique a los demás. |
4 |
I support long-established rules and traditions. |
+ |
Apoyo las normas y costumbres establecidas. |
5 |
People who resist authority should be severely punished. |
+ |
Se debería castigar con dureza a las personas que se resisten a la autoridad. |
6 |
In my opinion, all laws should be strictly enforced. |
+ |
En mi opinión, se deben hacer cumplir todas las leyes de manera estricta. |
7 |
When working with others I am the one who makes sure that rules are observed. |
+ |
Cuando trabajo con otras personas, soy yo quien se encarga de hacer cumplir las normas. |
Appendix 1
Polish Translation of CCS-T-7
No. |
Item |
Polarity |
Polish translation |
1 |
I have the highest respect for authorities and assist them whenever I can. |
+ |
Mam wielki szacunek dla władz i wspieram ich działania, kiedy mogę. |
2 |
Even if I knew how to get around the rules without breaking them, I would not do it. |
+ |
Nawet, gdybym wiedział(a), jak obejść zasadady nie łamiąc ich, nie zrobił(a)bym tego. |
3 |
I believe that people should be allowed to take drugs, as long as it doesn’t affect others. |
- |
Uważam, że należy zezwolić na zażywanie narkotyków, o ile tylko nie ma to skutków dla innych. (R) |
4 |
I support long-established rules and traditions. |
+ |
Popieram od dawna ugruntowane zasady i tradycje. |
5 |
People who resist authority should be severely punished. |
+ |
Osoby, które sprzeciwiają się władzom, należy surowo karać. |
6 |
In my opinion, all laws should be strictly enforced. |
+ |
Moim zdaniem wszystkie przepisy prawa powinny być ściśle egzekwowane. |
7 |
When working with others I am the one who makes sure that rules are observed. |
+ |
Pracując z innymi, to ja jestem osobą, która pilnuje przestrzegania zasad. |
Appendix 1
Japanese Translation of CCS-T-7
No. |
Item |
Polarity |
Japanese translation |
1 |
I have the highest respect for authorities and assist them whenever I can. |
+ |
権威に対して最大の敬意を払い,出来る限りその手助けとなるように努めている |
2 |
Even if I knew how to get around the rules without breaking them, I would not do it. |
+ |
たとえ規則の抜け穴を見つけることができたとしても,私はそのようなことはしない |
3 |
I believe that people should be allowed to take drugs, as long as it doesn’t affect others. |
- |
他人に迷惑をかけない限り,麻薬や覚せい剤の摂取は許容されるべきだと思う |
4 |
I support long-established rules and traditions. |
+ |
私は長年にわたって確立されてきた規則や伝統を支持する |
5 |
People who resist authority should be severely punished. |
+ |
権威に対して逆らう人々は厳しく罰せられるべきである |
6 |
In my opinion, all laws should be strictly enforced. |
+ |
私個人の意見では,すべての法律は厳格に施行されるべきである |
7 |
When working with others I am the one who makes sure that rules are observed. |
+ |
他の人と一緒に何かをする際に,規則に準じているかを確認するのは自分である |