T1 - M%C3%BCnsteraner Sorgenfragebogen %28MSF%29
T2 - Zusammenstellung sozialwissenschaftlicher Items und Skalen (ZIS)
AU - Barenbr%C3%BCgge%2C J.%2C Bieda%2C A.%2C Rist%2C F. %26 Gl%C3%B6ckner-Rist%2C A.
DO - https://zis.gesis.org/DoiId/10.6102%2Fzis222
UR - 10.6102%2Fzis222
AB - According to the%0A%26quot%3BDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric%0AAssociation%26quot%3B %28DSM IV%2C APA%2C 1994%29%2C pathological worry is a central%0Acognitive accompanying syndrome of a generalized anxiety disorder. The M%C3%BCnster%0AWorry Questionnaire %28MFS%29 is intended to record this as homogeneously as%0Apossible and in contrast%2C for example%2C to the Penn State Worry Questionnaire%0Awith item formulations of the same polarity. In addition%2C the MFS allows not%0Aonly personality-dependent %28MSF trait%29 but also primarily situation-induced%2C%0Atime-limited worry processes %28MSF state%29 with 12 items each to be surveyed.
PY - 2012
PB - ZIS - GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
LA - deu
SN - http://zis.gesis.org/