T1 - Naturvertr%C3%A4gliches Handeln
T2 - Zusammenstellung sozialwissenschaftlicher Items und Skalen (ZIS)
AU - Scherhorn%2C G.%2C Haas%2C H.%2C Hellenthal%2C F.%2C %26 Seibold%2C S.
DO - https://zis.gesis.org/DoiId/10.6102%2Fzis201
UR - 10.6102%2Fzis201
AB - The scale%0A%26quot%3BNature-compatible action%26quot%3B is to be considered in close connection%0Awith the scale %26quot%3BNature-compatibility%26quot%3B. The scale%0A%26quot%3BNature-compatible action%26quot%3B should%2C however%2C record reactions via%0Aself-reports which are closer to the environmentally relevant behaviour of the%0Atest persons than is expressed in the scale %26quot%3BNature-compatibility%26quot%3B.
PY - 1999
PB - ZIS - GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
LA - deu
SN - http://zis.gesis.org/