T1 - Skala zur Erfassung der mobbingbezogenen Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung von Lehrkr%C3%A4ften %28MOB-SWK%29
T2 - Zusammenstellung sozialwissenschaftlicher Items und Skalen (ZIS)
AU - Fischer%2C S. M.%2C Ulbricht%2C J. %26 Bilz%2C L.
DO - https://zis.gesis.org/DoiId/10.6102%2Fzis251
UR - 10.6102%2Fzis251
AB - A scale for recording the%0Amobbing-related self-efficacy expectations of teachers %28MOB-SWK%29 is presented.%0AIt measures the conviction of teachers that they can successfully deal with%0Amobbing situations between pupils. The 5-item scale was developed as part of%0Athe DFG-funded research project %26quot%3BTeachers%27 Dealing with Violence and%0AMobbing%3A A Study on the Forms%2C Determinants and Effects of Intervention Action%0Afrom the Teachers%27 and Students%27 Perspectives%26quot%3B. It was tested in a sample%0Aof 495 teachers and another sample of 477 student teachers. The results show%0Athat mobbing-related self-efficacy expectations can be measured objectively%2C%0Areliably and validly with this scale.
PY - 2017
PB - ZIS - GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
LA - deu
SN - http://zis.gesis.org/