T1 - Wichtigkeit verschiedener Berufsmerkmale %28ALLBUS%29
T2 - Zusammenstellung sozialwissenschaftlicher Items und Skalen (ZIS)
AU - Zentralarchiv f%C3%BCr empirische Sozialforschung %28ZA%29 %26 Zentrum f%C3%BCr Umfragen%2C Methoden und Analysen %28ZUMA%29 e.V.
DO - https://zis.gesis.org/DoiId/10.6102%2Fzis12
UR - 10.6102%2Fzis12
AB - The scale measures the%0Aimportance of different occupational characteristics and is regularly used in a%0Ageneral population survey called Allgemeinen Bev%C3%B6lkerungsumfrage %28ALLBUS%29. The%0Adevelopment of the scale is based on the Theory of Planned Behavior by Ajzen%0Aand Fishbein %281980%29.
PY - 1997
PB - ZIS - GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
LA - deu
SN - http://zis.gesis.org/