Scientific Quality Standards

    Each submitted documentation of a measurement instrument undergoes an internal review-like process (see How to publish). The aim of this process is to ensure the quality of the documentation.

    ZIS documentations are based on the quality standards for the development, application, and evaluation of measurement instruments in social science survey research by the RatSWD and the Test evaluation system of the Board of Assessment and Testing of the Federation of German Psychologists’ Associations (in German: Testbeurteilungssystem des Diagnostik- und Testkuratoriums der Föderation Deutscher Psychologenvereinigungen [TBS-DTK]). The quality requirements for the documentation and the quality of the documented measurement instrument are set out in a guideline, the ZIS Publication Guide (see Guideline & Materials).

    Cachet (TBS-DTK Transparency Certification)

    A cachet, the TBS-DTK Transparency Certification, can be applied for from the Board of Assessment and Testing (DTK) of the Federation of German Psychologists’ Associations (in German: Diagnostik- und Testkuratoriums der Föderation Deutscher Psychologenvereinigungen) for documentations of measurement instruments measuring human experience and behavior. It is a quality award that refers to the information content of the documentation and ,thus, to the quality and excellence of the documentation. Information for obtaining the TBS-DTK Transparency Certification for documentations in ZIS can be found under How to Publish.

    If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the ZIS Team.